Dalam sebuah wawancara dengan majalah
mode 'Marie Claire', aktris muda Park Shin Hye berbicara tentang standar
dirinya dalam memilih drama, termasuk pekerjaan terbarunya, ' Flower
Boy Next Door'.
"Saya ingin melakukan sebuah drama yang sesuai yang terbaik dengan usia
saya saat ini," katanya. "Dalam sinopsis, saya merasa bahwa karakter dan
saya sendiri memiliki banyak kesamaan. Jika Anda adalah tipe orang yang
takut membuat hubungan, saya berpikir bahwa 'Flower Boy Next Door'
dapat menjadi sebuah karya melegakan dan penyembuhan. "
'Flower Boy Next Door' saat ini sedang ditayangkan di saluran TV TVN
pada hari Senin dan Selasa.
Senin, 04 Februari 2013
Infinite H’s Hoya Almost Got Kicked Out Because of his Pronunciation
Having issues with his pronunciation, Infinite H’s Hoya shared that
he almost didn’t make it far as a singer.
Appearing on KBS’ Hello, Infinite H and 2Yoon listened to the worries of a college student who couldn’t pronounce ‘R/L’ sounds.
Appearing on KBS’ Hello, Infinite H and 2Yoon listened to the worries of a college student who couldn’t pronounce ‘R/L’ sounds.
Understanding his woes, Hoya piped up, saying, “When I was a trainee, I couldn’t make the ‘S’ sound.”He went onto explain that he overheard the staff wondering how a kid who couldn’t pronounce his ‘S’ sounds can become a singer and how Hoya should be kicked out.
“I bit my lips and practiced hard for two full weeks and fixed the problem and was able to debut,” said Hoya. He then told the college student to ask his friends to hit him whenever he pronounces something wrong.
The episode will air on February 4.
Shinhwa and SNSD to Make Yoona Cry
and SNSD to Make Yoona Cry
The episode will air on February 10.
Source: enewsworld.mnet.com
with the big announcement that Girls’ Generation (SNSD) will be
appearing on the show, jTBC’s Shinhwa Broadcast revealed that Yoona will
spill tears.
February 3’s broadcast of Shinhwa Brodacast, a quick teaser showed the
Shinhwa and SNSD members, sans Yoona, conspiring a hidden camera prank.
teaser had both groups participating in a logic quiz, where Yoona got
every answer wrong.
finding out it was a prank, Yoona cried out, “This is so annoying,”
while everyone around her laughed.
The episode will air on February 10.
Source: enewsworld.mnet.com
Girls' Generation Sooyoung and Lee Yeon Hee participated in a show together 11 years ago.
Girls' Generation Sooyoung and
actress Lee Yeon Hee photos from 11 years ago became a hot topic.
Recently an online community
uploads a compilation photo of them with the title"Sooyoung and Lee Yeon
Hee from a Japan show 11 years ago", and the thing that attracted
netizens is how both of them look different compared to now. Both had
chubby faces back then, and their clear facial features gain much
attention from people.
Upon seeing the photo netizens
commented,"Lee Yeon Hee is so cute","Sooyoung looks different, I almost
can't regconize her"
In addition, Sooyoung was
selected as the winner in that show and she had activities in Japan for 1
SISTAR19's Hyolin reveals undisclosed photos from "Gone Not Around Any Longer" MV
Sumber : dkpopnews.com
SISTAR19's agency Starship Entertainment unveiled undisclosed photos of Hyolin through official Twitter on 3rd February.
Hyolin is seen wearing white shirt in the photos above, shedding tears to portray her sadness during the MV filming.
Fans commented,"Hyolin's acting skills improved a lot","pretty Hyolin" and etc.
Meanwhile, SISTAR19 is sweeping various music charts with their new song "Gone Not Around Any Longer"
Sumber : dkpopnews.com
SISTAR19's agency Starship Entertainment unveiled undisclosed photos of Hyolin through official Twitter on 3rd February.
Hyolin is seen wearing white shirt in the photos above, shedding tears to portray her sadness during the MV filming.
Fans commented,"Hyolin's acting skills improved a lot","pretty Hyolin" and etc.
Meanwhile, SISTAR19 is sweeping various music charts with their new song "Gone Not Around Any Longer"
Sumber : dkpopnews.com
[Interview] Yun Eun Hye Speaks About Yun Eun Hye
It was a hard journey but it was a happy one, in which Yun Eun Hye
had found her first perfectly fitting role since Coffee Prince.
With this, Yun Eun Hye showed she had again matured as an actress.
We met with Yun Eun Hye, who had recently appeared as the lead Lee Soo Yeon in the MBC drama I Miss You.
We met with Yun Eun Hye, who had recently appeared as the lead Lee Soo Yeon in the MBC drama I Miss You.
were praised for your acting, and everyone called it a ′rediscovery of
Yun Eun Hye′. How did that feel?
"To be honest, I′m very thankful. To be more honest, I′m actually pretty sad about such titles. A ′rediscovery′ can mean that no one really expected anything from me in the first place. Looking at it from a positive view, of course I′m thankful, but it may mean that I′m trapped inside a specific character. Still, I′m trying to accept it, since not everyone has seen all of my pieces."
How did it feel to be loved by two good-looking boys, Park Yoo Chun and Yoo Seung Ho?
"They′re both younger than me. Just a year ago I never thought boys who were younger than me could become men. (Laugh) I even thought we wouldn′t be able to strike up a conversation. Thankfully, the two are more mature than most their age, and so there was no problem in communication. I realized I′m at an age when I′ll have to act with men younger than me, and opened up. I think I′ve become more open."
I′m curious on how you managed that.
"In the past, I actually tried to be careful about my every move. Now, however, I approach others more openly since I′m the older one. I have to be active since they′re not that active. (Laugh) I′m happy that, regardless of their looks, my little brothers listened to me."
I can feel your acting has loosened up. How did that happen?
"I′ve become less strict toward myself, and I′ve set some things down. Many people around me helped me. I become very sensitive and tired whenever I start a new piece. Even my fashion changes. I try to live my life as my role when I start acting as a new character. The reason I don′t feel strained even when the script comes out late is because I′ve already become my role."
How many points would you give your own acting?
"I′m not very generous in grading. I was thirsty in many ways, but I did know what emotions I wanted to convey. The character wasn′t easy, so some parts were hard, but I want to give a high score to how I managed even in the cold weather. I do have my weaknesses but I′ll keep that to myself. (Laugh)"
Which do you like better: Romantic comedy or plain romance?
"I′m afraid of being pinned to any one image. I personally feel I want to do whatever fits my age best. I thought I wouldn′t be able to do some things even if I wanted to later on. I think that′s why I keep trying to look at a wider variety of characters based on my situation."
Your fashion style has been making issues. Are you interested in fashion?
"Of course I′m very interested. I′m interested, but I don′t really dress up. I do purchase collection books and try to think up ideas. I′ve been helping the sales of foreign books. (Laugh) I like looking at pretty things like furniture, china, miscellaneous goods and idea books. I buy ideas with money."
"To be honest, I′m very thankful. To be more honest, I′m actually pretty sad about such titles. A ′rediscovery′ can mean that no one really expected anything from me in the first place. Looking at it from a positive view, of course I′m thankful, but it may mean that I′m trapped inside a specific character. Still, I′m trying to accept it, since not everyone has seen all of my pieces."
How did it feel to be loved by two good-looking boys, Park Yoo Chun and Yoo Seung Ho?
"They′re both younger than me. Just a year ago I never thought boys who were younger than me could become men. (Laugh) I even thought we wouldn′t be able to strike up a conversation. Thankfully, the two are more mature than most their age, and so there was no problem in communication. I realized I′m at an age when I′ll have to act with men younger than me, and opened up. I think I′ve become more open."
I′m curious on how you managed that.
"In the past, I actually tried to be careful about my every move. Now, however, I approach others more openly since I′m the older one. I have to be active since they′re not that active. (Laugh) I′m happy that, regardless of their looks, my little brothers listened to me."
I can feel your acting has loosened up. How did that happen?
"I′ve become less strict toward myself, and I′ve set some things down. Many people around me helped me. I become very sensitive and tired whenever I start a new piece. Even my fashion changes. I try to live my life as my role when I start acting as a new character. The reason I don′t feel strained even when the script comes out late is because I′ve already become my role."
How many points would you give your own acting?
"I′m not very generous in grading. I was thirsty in many ways, but I did know what emotions I wanted to convey. The character wasn′t easy, so some parts were hard, but I want to give a high score to how I managed even in the cold weather. I do have my weaknesses but I′ll keep that to myself. (Laugh)"
Which do you like better: Romantic comedy or plain romance?
"I′m afraid of being pinned to any one image. I personally feel I want to do whatever fits my age best. I thought I wouldn′t be able to do some things even if I wanted to later on. I think that′s why I keep trying to look at a wider variety of characters based on my situation."
Your fashion style has been making issues. Are you interested in fashion?
"Of course I′m very interested. I′m interested, but I don′t really dress up. I do purchase collection books and try to think up ideas. I′ve been helping the sales of foreign books. (Laugh) I like looking at pretty things like furniture, china, miscellaneous goods and idea books. I buy ideas with money."
What does ′love′ mean to Yun Eun Hye?
"I never really go outside so I rarely get a chance. When I was about 29 I visited many clubs with the thought that I should start partying, but now I spend most of my time at home, watching movies."
Do you have any plans for your next piece?
"I originally planned to enter a new piece without leaving any free time in between, but it′s not as easy as I thought. I′m open to many possibilities. I′ve been talking with officials in film too, as they′ve thought my acting in dramas was good. I′ll come back with some good news soon."
Do you have anything you really want to say?
"If the public is curious about me, I′ll have a lot to show, but if they reach their own conclusions I′ll become scared even before I do anything. If anyone gives me a chance I jump on the challenge. I know that I can′t be perfect. It′ll be hard to become perfect in my eyes and in the public′s eyes, but I′m always expecting to meet a satisfactory piece like my most recent one. I think that will propel me forward as an actress."
Sumber : enesworld.com
Sabtu, 02 Februari 2013
[Style] Infinite H Members are Always Crushing on Someone
Having made its grand unit group debut with Special Girl, Infinite H
posed for the cameras in a photo shoot with fashion magazine CeCi.
Sporting different styles, Dong Woo and Hoya fit into their new hip-hop image fearlessly, spotted with various eye-catching colors.

During the interview, Dong Woo and Hoya answered questions about unit groups, dating, and of course, the Infinite members.
When asked about the difference between Infinite and Infinite H, Hoya replied, “For one thing, schedules end sooner. Because we split the work in half, the responsibilities are greater.”
Dong Woo added, “When there are seven of us, it’s complete chaos, but with just the two of us, we’re a lot calmer and slower with things.”

The group’s newest single, Special Girl is about crushes. “It’s a song that many men, who hesitate in making confessions, can relate to,” said Dong Woo. Both Hoya and Dong Woo loved the song so they unanimously agreed to make it their title track.
Hoya said, “Since we haven’t dated in a while, there’s also sense that we’re relieving stress through singing and rapping.”
The two members later added that since they aren’t dating, they are constantly crushing on someone.

With Infinite H being the first unit group from Infinite, Hoya and Dong Woo were asked what other unit groups they can see in the future.
“I think we should stop here with the unit groups,” laughed Hoya. “Honestly, I’m anticipating the members’ solo careers, like Sung Kyu. Especially Woo Hyun! Sung Yeol, L, and Sung Jong seem to fit as soloists more than being with another member.”
Dong Woo added that due to his and Hoya’s similar styles, they naturally came together as a group.

The entire interview will be included in the February issue .
Sporting different styles, Dong Woo and Hoya fit into their new hip-hop image fearlessly, spotted with various eye-catching colors.
During the interview, Dong Woo and Hoya answered questions about unit groups, dating, and of course, the Infinite members.
When asked about the difference between Infinite and Infinite H, Hoya replied, “For one thing, schedules end sooner. Because we split the work in half, the responsibilities are greater.”
Dong Woo added, “When there are seven of us, it’s complete chaos, but with just the two of us, we’re a lot calmer and slower with things.”
The group’s newest single, Special Girl is about crushes. “It’s a song that many men, who hesitate in making confessions, can relate to,” said Dong Woo. Both Hoya and Dong Woo loved the song so they unanimously agreed to make it their title track.
Hoya said, “Since we haven’t dated in a while, there’s also sense that we’re relieving stress through singing and rapping.”
The two members later added that since they aren’t dating, they are constantly crushing on someone.
With Infinite H being the first unit group from Infinite, Hoya and Dong Woo were asked what other unit groups they can see in the future.
“I think we should stop here with the unit groups,” laughed Hoya. “Honestly, I’m anticipating the members’ solo careers, like Sung Kyu. Especially Woo Hyun! Sung Yeol, L, and Sung Jong seem to fit as soloists more than being with another member.”
Dong Woo added that due to his and Hoya’s similar styles, they naturally came together as a group.
The entire interview will be included in the February issue .
[Style] CL graces cover of Hong Kong magazine
Still the baddest female Seoul city’s ever had, 2NE1’s CL boasted her
charisma and undying fashion sense in Hong Kong magazine, Ketchup.

The December issue was recently released, allowing CL to let all of her creativity and uniqueness shine through each photo in the spread.

Wearing the clothes of her BFF, Jeremy Scott, CL exhibit confidence and boldly pulled off all the outfits without a problem.

Jeremy Scott tweeted the magazine spread, saying “My girl makes your girl look like precious.”
The December issue was recently released, allowing CL to let all of her creativity and uniqueness shine through each photo in the spread.
Wearing the clothes of her BFF, Jeremy Scott, CL exhibit confidence and boldly pulled off all the outfits without a problem.
Jeremy Scott tweeted the magazine spread, saying “My girl makes your girl look like precious.”
Sooyoung SNSD menangis di pernikahan Sunye Wonder Girls
Member girlband Girls Generation, Sooyoung mengungkapkan bahwa
dirinya menangis saat menghadiri pernikahan leader girlband Wonder
Girls, Sunye.
Sabtu (26/1), program entertainment KBS, Entertainment Weekly menayangkan pesta pernikahan Sunye. Sunye menjadi perempuan pertama yang masih aktif sebagai member girlband K-Pop yang memutuskan menikah. Banyak idola Hallyu yang menghadiri pesta tersebut.
Member boyband 2AM, Jo Kwon yang menjadi MC di pesta tersebut berkata, "Ini sangat membuatku canggung. Ketika aku diminta untuk menjadi MC, aku khawatir kalau aku akan menangis saat pesta berlangsung. Jadi tekadku adalah tidak menangis saat pesta berlangsung,"

Jo Kwon lalu bercanda, "Aku tidak bisa membayangkan Sunye akan memasak semangkok sop atau sedang menyetrika pakaian. Tapi selamat untuk mereka," seperti dilansir soompi.com.
Bahkan Sooyoung yang juga hadir bersama member Girls Generation lainnya berkomentar, "Sebagai sesama member girlband K-Pop, aku sangat bahagia. Mungkin karena itu aku menangis."
Sumber : http://www.merdeka.com/artis/sooyoung-snsd-menangis-di-pernikahan-sunye-wonder-girls.html
Sabtu (26/1), program entertainment KBS, Entertainment Weekly menayangkan pesta pernikahan Sunye. Sunye menjadi perempuan pertama yang masih aktif sebagai member girlband K-Pop yang memutuskan menikah. Banyak idola Hallyu yang menghadiri pesta tersebut.
Member boyband 2AM, Jo Kwon yang menjadi MC di pesta tersebut berkata, "Ini sangat membuatku canggung. Ketika aku diminta untuk menjadi MC, aku khawatir kalau aku akan menangis saat pesta berlangsung. Jadi tekadku adalah tidak menangis saat pesta berlangsung,"
Jo Kwon lalu bercanda, "Aku tidak bisa membayangkan Sunye akan memasak semangkok sop atau sedang menyetrika pakaian. Tapi selamat untuk mereka," seperti dilansir soompi.com.
Bahkan Sooyoung yang juga hadir bersama member Girls Generation lainnya berkomentar, "Sebagai sesama member girlband K-Pop, aku sangat bahagia. Mungkin karena itu aku menangis."
Sumber : http://www.merdeka.com/artis/sooyoung-snsd-menangis-di-pernikahan-sunye-wonder-girls.html
[Style] CN Blue′s Lee Jong Hyun Opens about his Friendship with SHINee′s Jong Hyun
Starting 2013 together, the CN Blue members gathered to celebrate the brand new year with fashion magazine, CeCi.
Dressed in classy suits, the CN Blue members flaunted their long limbs and handsome faces as they welcomed the new year.
Following his participation in SBS’ A Gentleman’s Dignity, Lee Jong Hyun went back to his musical roots and went to London to put on an exciting show back in September.

“I was very content and happy because I performed on the stage of my dreams,” said the singer on performing in London, the birthplace of rock.
“Fans are the same everywhere, but compared to Asian fans, their hair colors were different. That was the huge difference. Seeing blonde fans dancing and cheering us on, I guess you can say it felt like watching a TV screen, playing a foreign country’s music video.”
He couldn’t seem to suppress his disbelief and excitement as he went onto add, “I thought the whole idea that I was in London was so strange that I kept looking outside the hotel room. I spent half the day walking here and there, taking pictures to my heart’s content.”

Having worked with Jang Dong Gun, Lee Jong Hyun wished that he could become a senior like Jang Dong Gun.
“He exudes warmth with every word he says. When we were filming A Gentleman’s Dignity, he told me, ‘You’re doing fine,.’ Those were the magic words that made me do well even if I wasn’t.”
With Jang Dong Gun being his man crush, Lee Jong Hyun was asked about his ideal woman.
He named off Jeon Ji Hyun, Son Ye Jin, and Park Siyeon. “They’re my life’s ideal women. All three have innocence, sympathy, and sexiness…?”
For his ideal type, he added, “Like in Psy’s song, a woman who unties her hair at the right moment,” or in other words, a polite lady, who has fun when the time comes.
As a boyfriend, he woul have three things to make his girlfriend fall in love. “I’m reliable, I have good manners, and I plan to sing to her every day.”
The three songs he would sing to her included John Legend’s P.D.A, John Mayer’s Belief, and Robin Thicke’s Lost Without You.

Asked if SHINee’s Jong Hyun was his best friend, Lee Jong Hyun suddenly became serious and denied the fact. But he soon cracked up saying it’s true.
“Jong Hyun is a refreshing friend who is always bright. During my rookie years when everything seemed hard, he came to me first really comfortably and we became friends. We usually go eat meat. I usually get called an adult child, but when I’m with him, I feel like I return to my rightful age and it makes me happy.”
As there are many Jong Hyun′s in the entertainment world - SHINee′s Jong Hyun, Teen Top′s Jong Hyun, NU′EST′s Jong Hyun to name a few, Lee Jong Hyun named three reasons why he′s the best Jong Hyun.
"1. I play the guitar and sing. 2. I′m the palest. 3. I am CN Blue."
CN Blue will return with a new album on January 14.
Dressed in classy suits, the CN Blue members flaunted their long limbs and handsome faces as they welcomed the new year.
Following his participation in SBS’ A Gentleman’s Dignity, Lee Jong Hyun went back to his musical roots and went to London to put on an exciting show back in September.
“I was very content and happy because I performed on the stage of my dreams,” said the singer on performing in London, the birthplace of rock.
“Fans are the same everywhere, but compared to Asian fans, their hair colors were different. That was the huge difference. Seeing blonde fans dancing and cheering us on, I guess you can say it felt like watching a TV screen, playing a foreign country’s music video.”
He couldn’t seem to suppress his disbelief and excitement as he went onto add, “I thought the whole idea that I was in London was so strange that I kept looking outside the hotel room. I spent half the day walking here and there, taking pictures to my heart’s content.”
Having worked with Jang Dong Gun, Lee Jong Hyun wished that he could become a senior like Jang Dong Gun.
“He exudes warmth with every word he says. When we were filming A Gentleman’s Dignity, he told me, ‘You’re doing fine,.’ Those were the magic words that made me do well even if I wasn’t.”
With Jang Dong Gun being his man crush, Lee Jong Hyun was asked about his ideal woman.
He named off Jeon Ji Hyun, Son Ye Jin, and Park Siyeon. “They’re my life’s ideal women. All three have innocence, sympathy, and sexiness…?”
For his ideal type, he added, “Like in Psy’s song, a woman who unties her hair at the right moment,” or in other words, a polite lady, who has fun when the time comes.
As a boyfriend, he woul have three things to make his girlfriend fall in love. “I’m reliable, I have good manners, and I plan to sing to her every day.”
The three songs he would sing to her included John Legend’s P.D.A, John Mayer’s Belief, and Robin Thicke’s Lost Without You.
Asked if SHINee’s Jong Hyun was his best friend, Lee Jong Hyun suddenly became serious and denied the fact. But he soon cracked up saying it’s true.
“Jong Hyun is a refreshing friend who is always bright. During my rookie years when everything seemed hard, he came to me first really comfortably and we became friends. We usually go eat meat. I usually get called an adult child, but when I’m with him, I feel like I return to my rightful age and it makes me happy.”
As there are many Jong Hyun′s in the entertainment world - SHINee′s Jong Hyun, Teen Top′s Jong Hyun, NU′EST′s Jong Hyun to name a few, Lee Jong Hyun named three reasons why he′s the best Jong Hyun.
"1. I play the guitar and sing. 2. I′m the palest. 3. I am CN Blue."
CN Blue will return with a new album on January 14.
[Style] SNSD Rocks Burberry Trench Coats in ′I Got a Boy′
Girls′ Generation (SNSD) has proven again that its members are all
fashionistas, as the designer items the girls donned on the music video
for I Got a Boy have quickly become a hot topic.
The trench coats that SNSD wore in the music video for its comeback single turned out to be from Burberry′s 2013 Spring/Summer collection, which were presented during the finale of the brand′s Burberry Prorsum Collection Show.

The girls also drew attention to their other styles, such as their funky vintage looks and feminine styles.
They have been living up to their fashionista title by appearing at the Burberry Collection Fashion Show held in London and other global Burberry events held around the world as representatives of Korea.

SNSD has been promoting its new album, most recently winning the trophy on Mnet′s M Countdown and KBS2′s Music Bank with I Got a Boy.
The trench coats that SNSD wore in the music video for its comeback single turned out to be from Burberry′s 2013 Spring/Summer collection, which were presented during the finale of the brand′s Burberry Prorsum Collection Show.
The girls also drew attention to their other styles, such as their funky vintage looks and feminine styles.
They have been living up to their fashionista title by appearing at the Burberry Collection Fashion Show held in London and other global Burberry events held around the world as representatives of Korea.
SNSD has been promoting its new album, most recently winning the trophy on Mnet′s M Countdown and KBS2′s Music Bank with I Got a Boy.
Inilah Saat Barbie dan Ken Hidup Bertemu di Dunia Nyata
Jika Barbie dan Ken digambarkan sebagai pasangan yang sempurna karena saling mencintai rupanya juga demikian bagi Valeria dan Justin. Mereka bertemu untuk melakukan sesi pemotretan sebuah majalah di New York. Keduanya berusaha saling memuji penampilan masing-masing meski canggung saat bertemu langsung.
Hal ini cukup berbeda karena sebelumnya Valeria dan Justin saling melontarkan kritikan pedas pada penampilan masing-masing. Valeria mengaku tidak suka sejak pertama kali melihat sosok lelaki berusia 32 tahun itu. Ia menganggap Justin melakukan operasi terlalu berlebihan.
Justin sendiri menjadi sensasi di internet saat mengaku melakukan 100 kali operasi plastik demi mengubah diri mirip Ken. Namun ia juga menyebut perempuan asal Ukraina itu mirip waria dan terlihat "sangat plastik". "Ratu waria juga memberikan ilusi dengan memakai makeup berat dan kostum heboh," ucapnya dalam wawancara dengan Huffington Post.
"Justin selalu mengatakan hal buruk tentangku padahal dia dioperasi lebih dari 90 kali sementara aku hanya sekali. Aku tidak mengelak juga melakoni operasi. Aku melakukan implan payudara karena ingin tampil sempurna," keluh Valeria pada The Sun. "Dia seharusnya berhenti mengomentari soal operasi plastik. Aku merasa dia tampan tapi melakukan operasi berlebihan pada bibirnya."
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